
Showing posts from May, 2023

How eCTD Software Simplifies Compliance of Submission & Publishing Process?

 Simplifying compliance in the submission and publishing process is crucial for successful regulatory outcomes. eCTD Software offers a comprehensive solution that streamlines compliance while improving efficiency and accuracy in the submission and publishing process 1. Standardized Templates: eCTD Software offers predefined templates that adhere to regulatory guidelines, ensuring consistency and compliance in document formatting. This simplifies the creation and assembly of submission-ready documents. 2. Version Control: The software enables efficient version control, ensuring that the most up-to-date and accurate documents are included in submissions. It tracks changes, maintains revision history, and facilitates easy identification of document versions, simplifying compliance with document control requirements. 3. Validation Checks: eCTD Software incorporates built-in validation checks that verify compliance with regulatory rules and formatting requirements. These checks help identi